Mycorrhizal Mushrooms: Fungus and Plant Partnerships
Mycorrhizal Mushrooms: Fungus and Plant Partnerships
Mycorrhizal mushrooms (myco means “mushroom”; rhizal means “related to roots”), such as matsutake, boletus, and chanterelles, form mutually beneficial relationships with pines and other plants. In fact, most plants from grasses to Douglas firs have mycorrhizal partners. The mycelia of fungal species that form exterior sheaths around the roots of partner plants are termed ectomycorrhizal. The mycorrhizal fungi that invade the interior root cells of host plants are labeled endomycorrhizal, although currently the preferred term for these fungi is vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM).
Both plant and mycorrhizae benefit from this association. Because ectomycorrhizal mycelium grows beyond the plant’s roots, it brings distant nutrients and moisture to the host plant, extending the absorption zone well beyond the root structure. The mycelium dramatically increases the plant’s ingestion of nutrients, nitrogenous compounds, and essential elements (phosphorus, copper, and zinc) as it decomposes surrounding debris. David Perry (1994) postulates that the surface area—hence its absorption capability—of mycorrhizal fungi may be 10 to 100 times greater than the surface area of leaves in a forest. As a result, the growth of plant partners is accelerated. Plants with mycorrhizal fungal partners can also resist diseases far better than those without. Fungi benefit from the relationship because it gives them access to plant-secreted sugars, mostly hexoses that the fungi convert to mannitols, arabitols, and erythritols.
One of the most exciting discoveries in the field of mycology is that the mycorrhizae can transport nutrients to trees of different species. One mushroom species can connect many acres of a forest in a continuous network of cells. In one experiment, researchers compared the flow of nutrients via the mycelium between 3 trees: a Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), a paper birch (Betula papyrifera), and a western red cedar (Thuja plicata). The Douglas fir and paper birch shared the same ectomycorrhiza, while the cedar had an endomycorrhiza (VAM). The researchers covered the Douglas fir to simulate deep shade, thus lowering the tree’s ability to photosynthesize sugars. In response, the mycorrhizae channeled sugars, tracked by radioactive carbon, from the root zone of the birch to the root zone of the fir.
More than 9 percent of the net carbon compounds transferred to the fir originated from the birch’s roots, while the cedar received only a small fraction. The amount of sugar transferred was directly proportional to the amount of shading (Simard et al. 1997). An earlier study by Kristina Arnebrant and others (1993) showed a similar bidirectional transfer of nitrogen-based nutrients from alder (Alnus glutinosa) to pine (Pinus contorta) through a shared ectomycorrhizal mycelium.
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